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MyNewt Port

Two apps are included, one where the board runs as a Bluetooth central, and one where it runs as a peripheral. They are both built the same way. To build, flash and run the apps, you need to have the newt tool as well as the Segger JLink tools installed. On a mac, the newt tool should have been installed for you when you ran the brew bundle setup command. If you are using the docker image, it is also installed. If you want to install it separately, visit the MyNewt installation instructions. You will need version 1.7 or later of the newt tool.

The instructions here assume that you are using the Nordic nRF52840 DK Development Kit. You should be able to run on different boards (with Bluetooth) with minor adjustments.

Prepare You Board

Before you can flash and run the gg-central or gg-peripheral app on your board, you will need to perform a one-time setup of your board, where the flash will be initialized and the bootloader installed. Ensure your board is plugged in to a USB port on your system and turned on. Run

$ pylon.provision
This will setup the flash as well as build and flash the bootloader.

Newt 1.7 bug

A bug in version 1.7 of newt exists, where it will print an error message after installing the bootloader dependency. You can safely ignore that error message.

Build The Apps

Build the gg-peripheral app:


Build the gg-central app:


MyNewt dependencies

If you have not built any of the Pylon projects earlier, the MyNewt dependencies should be installed for you automatically. If that is not the case, you can install them manually with and

Run The Apps

See the MyNewt Apps documentation for details.