class BitGattPeer
Interface representing a BLE peer (remote) device and operations that can be carried on it. |
class ClientTransactionProvider
Implementers of this interface can provide alternative implementations of the bitgatt transactions, like mocking in tests. |
class GattCharacteristicReader
Write to remote GATT Characteristic |
class GattCharacteristicWriter
Write to remote GATT Characteristic |
class GattClientConnectionStateSetter
Rx wrapper for SetClientConnectionStateTransaction to set GattConnection GattState |
class GattClientRefreshGattTransactionProvider |
class GattServiceRefresher |
class PeerGattServiceSubscriber
Helper to subscribe to GATT characteristic on CONNECTED peer (remote) device |
class ReadGattCharacteristicTransactionProvider |
class RssiValueUpdater
Reactive wrapper for updating rssi value for given connection |
class SetClientConnectionStateTransactionProvider |
class WriteGattCharacteristicTransactionProvider |