class GattCharacteristicWriter
Write to remote GATT Characteristic
- GattConnection for the remote peripheral to write to
GattCharacteristicWriter(gattConnection: GattConnection, writeTransactionProvider: WriteGattCharacteristicTransactionProvider = WriteGattCharacteristicTransactionProvider(), gattClientConnectionStateSetter: GattClientConnectionStateSetter = GattClientConnectionStateSetter(), scheduler: Scheduler = ReadWriteCharacteristicProvider.scheduler, readWriteLock: Semaphore = ReadWriteCharacteristicLock.lock)
Write to remote GATT Characteristic |
fun write(serviceId: UUID, characteristicId: UUID, data: ByteArray): Completable
Write given data to the provided remote GATT characteristic |
var slowLoggingEnabled: Boolean
Set this to true in order to turn on verbose logging that may impact gatt write throughput |