GoldenGateConnectionManager / com.fitbit.goldengate.node.stack / StackPeer


class StackPeer<T : StackService> : Peer<T>

A Peer (hub or node) that encapsulates a connection via a Stack including the StackConfig, StackService, Stack, and Bridge


key - the BluetoothAddressNodeKey to use for this StackPeer

stackConfig - the StackConfig of the Stack

stackService - the StackService at the top of the Stack

linkupHandler - the LinkupWithPeerNodeHandler used to link up the stack to golden gate stack services

peerConnector - the PeerConnector used to connect the stack to the gatt layer

connectionStatusProvider - provides an Observable stream which emits PeripheralConnectionStatus updates when provided a GattConnection

dtlsEventObservableProvider - provides an Observable stream which emits DtlsProtocolStatus updates when provided a Stack

peerProvider - a function which returns a BitGattPeer for a given GattConnection

mtuChangeRequesterProvider - provides and MtuChangeRequester when provided an Int and a Stack

startMtu - the default mtu used when connecting

connectTimeout - timeout in TimeUnit.SECONDS when connecting

buildStack - builds a Stack when provided a Bridge

buildBridge - builds a Bridge when provided a BluetoothDevice

mtuRequestSubject - used to inform an active connection of a desired mtu

stackEventObservableProvider - provides an Observable stream which emits StackEvent updates when provided a Stack

stackEventHandlerProvider - provides a StackEvent dispatcher for a given Stack and GattConnection



StackPeer(key: BluetoothAddressNodeKey, peerRole: PeerRole, stackConfig: StackConfig, stackService: T, connectionStatusProvider: (GattConnection) -> Observable<PeripheralConnectionStatus>, dtlsEventObservableProvider: (stack: Stack) -> Observable<DtlsProtocolStatus>)

Utility constructor for injecting connectionStatusProvider and dtlsEventObservableProvider used for status messages in the Host app



val key: BluetoothAddressNodeKey

the BluetoothAddressNodeKey to use for this StackPeer


val stackConfig: StackConfig

the StackConfig of the Stack

Inherited Properties


val peerRole: PeerRole


val stackService: T



fun connection(): Observable<PeerConnectionStatus>

Get a reference to the connection of the Peer. If the Peer is not yet connected, it will connect upon subscription. The returned Observable will be shared for all callers connection until the connection is lost or disconnected. A successive call after disconnected will return a new Observable. Disposing the returned Observable will NOT disconnect the connection. This method should be Synchronized with disconnect and close


fun disconnect(): Unit

Disconnects the Peer if currently connected. All subscribers of the current connection will have their disposables disposed. This method should be Synchronized with connection and close