| | |
Callback that will listen to new devices and notify the emitter when it finds one. | | | |
Indicates the local Bluetooth adapter state | |
Bluetooth Adapter state change BroadcastReceiver |
com.fitbit.goldengate.node.Bridge |
Establishes a bidirectional transport bridge between cross platform stack and native/android bluetooth services. |
kotlin.ByteArray (extensions in package | |
com.fitbit.goldengate.node.stack.CoapNodeProvider |
Utility object for instantiating a StackPeerBuilder<CoapEndpoint, BluetoothAddressNodeKey> |
com.fitbit.goldengate.stackservice.CoapStackServiceProvider |
Utility object for encapsulating dependencies. When invoked returns a StackServiceMapper<CoapEndpoint, BluetoothAddressNodeKey> using a StackPeerBuilder<CoapEndpoint> | | | | | |
Represents the Gattlink Service hosted on mobile that allows reliable streaming of arbitrary data over a BLE connection using the GATT protocol, with support for BLE/GATT stacks that don't always have the necessary support for writing GATT characteristics back-to-back without dropping data | |
Fitbit GATT cache service, hosted by node; Hub uses this service to verify if cached peer GATT service database is up-to-date. | | | | | |
Fitbit GATT database confirmation service, hosted by node | |
The class implements the Gatt database version validation | | | |
Helper to register GATT listeners | |
Represents a Bluetooth GATT Link Service hosted on mobile that allows reliable streaming of arbitrary data over a BLE connection using the GATT protocol, with support for BLE/GATT stacks that don't always have the necessary support for writing GATT characteristics back-to-back without dropping data | |
Generic Attribute service, hosted by node This is a BLE public service defined by SIG Mainly for receiving service changed indication |
com.fitbit.goldengate.GoldenGateConnectionManagerModule | |
com.fitbit.goldengate.node.Linkup |
Interface for Golden Gate link-up process |
com.fitbit.goldengate.node.LinkupHandlerProvider |
Helper object to return the linkup handler based upon connection role (node or hub) |
com.fitbit.goldengate.node.MtuChangeException |
Exception thrown when failed to update MTU |
com.fitbit.goldengate.node.MtuChangeRequester |
Class to request MTU change for a CONNECTED Node |
com.fitbit.goldengate.node.NodeDataReceiver |
Receives data from connected Node |
com.fitbit.goldengate.node.NodeDataReceiverProvider |
Provides NodeDataReceiver to use for receiving data |
com.fitbit.goldengate.node.NodeDataSender |
Sends data from connected Node |
com.fitbit.goldengate.node.NodeDataSenderProvider |
Provides NodeDataSender to use for sending data |
com.fitbit.goldengate.peripheral.NodeDisconnectedException | |
com.fitbit.goldengate.node.NodeMapper |
Maps a NodeKey to a Node. Uses a PeerBuilder to make the node if it does not exist or if the existing Node is different than expected |
com.fitbit.goldengate.node.Peer |
Interface for Golden Gate Nodes. Used to represent a connection and encapsulates the protocol |
com.fitbit.goldengate.node.PeerBuilder |
Builds a Peer with StackService of type S and key of type K and determines if an existing Peer is the same as the one's it builds |
com.fitbit.goldengate.node.PeerConnectionStatus | | |
presents different roles of BLE peer (remote) devices | |
Represents a GattLink Rx Characteristic, which is used for receiving data from peripheral |
com.fitbit.goldengate.node.stack.RemoteApiStackPeerBuilder |
Used to expose building a stack for use with the Remote API |
com.fitbit.goldengate.node.StackEventHandler |
Receives stack events and dispatches them to the right handler. For now this only supports gattlink buffer events. |
com.fitbit.goldengate.node.stack.StackPeer |
A Peer (hub or node) that encapsulates a connection via a Stack including the StackConfig, StackService, Stack, and Bridge |
com.fitbit.goldengate.node.stack.StackPeerBuilder | |
com.fitbit.goldengate.stackservice.StackServiceMapper |
Retrieves a Peer from a NodeMapper for a given NodeKey and extracts the StackService with get. The NodeMapper will build a Peer with the PeerBuilder given by nodeBuilderProvider if necessary | |
Represents a GattLink Tx Characteristic, which is used for transmitting data to peripheral | |
GATT service listener that listens to subscription changes to Gattlink service Tx characteristic. Subscription changes are available per remote connected device |
java.util.UUID (extensions in package |