GoldenGateBindings / com.fitbit.goldengate.bindings.stack / Stack / <init>


Stack(nodeKey: NodeKey<*>, transportSinkPtr: Long, transportSourcePtr: Long, stackConfig: StackConfig = DtlsSocketNetifGattlink(), isNode: Boolean = false)

A Kotlin representation of a Golden Gate stack. The data sink and data source exposed through getAsDataSinkPointer and getAsDataSourcePointer are the data sink/source on the "top" of the stack.

Appropriate things to attach to those are StackService like CoapEndpoint and Blaster


nodeKey - node identifier this stack is attached to

transportSinkPtr - Bottom of stack sink (data will be transmitted on this sink reference)

transportSourcePtr - Bottom of stack (data will be received from this source reference)

stackConfig - configuration in which this stack should be created (Default is DtlsSocketNetifGattlink)

isNode - if stack should be configured as Node or Hub (default is false)