GoldenGateBindings / / OutgoingRequest


interface OutgoingRequest : OutgoingMessage, BaseRequest

Represents outgoing request for a request in coap client mode.

Use OutgoingRequestBuilder for creating this object.



abstract val ackTimeout: Int

Timeout after which a resend will happen, in milliseconds. Set 0 to use a default value, which is a random number within GG_COAP_ACK_TIMEOUT_MS sec to 1.5 * GG_COAP_ACK_TIMEOUT_MS sec


abstract val expectSuccess: Boolean

Tweaks Observable behavior and allows for custom error handling. If true (default), a non-2.xx response will error CoapEndpointResponseException the response() Observable. If false, a non-2.xx response will be reported as a next event.


abstract val forceNonBlockwise: Boolean

Flag to treat the request as non-blockwise. In a blockwise request data is sent in chuncks(blocks) of fixed size. In GG we use 1024 bytes. On the tracker some Coap resources accept larger data payloads in a single block. In this case we need to force a non-blockwise request. Here is an example of this type of resource:


abstract val maxResendCount: Int

Maximum number of times the client will resend the request if there is a response timeout. For example, when set to 0, a request will only be sent once and not re-sent if a response isn't received before the ack timeout. If maxResendCount is set to a negative value, the default value GG_COAP_DEFAULT_MAX_RETRANSMIT from GG XP lib will be used.

Inherited Properties


abstract val body: OutgoingBody

Coap message body


abstract val method: Method

Request Method type


abstract val progressObserver: Observer<Int>

Observer for the number of bytes Sent/Received in a Blockwise Operation